Central Piedmont Community CollegeLifestyle

Central Piedmont Celebrates National TRIO Day

TRIO Student Support Services at Central Piedmont Community College marked the 38th anniversary of National TRIO Day. This special occasion was celebrated with a day of service at Nourish Up, previously known as Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays, located in Charlotte.

Participants in the event filled food orders for local food pantries and sorted through donated food items provided by the community. This effort served our neighbors’ immediate needs and highlighted the spirit of giving and collaboration among students.

Congress designated National TRIO Day in 1986 and observes it on the fourth Saturday of February each year. This day recognizes and raises awareness of the TRIO programs, which offer invaluable educational opportunities to students worldwide.

Join TRIO SSS: Learn more about the TRIO Student Support Services and how to become part of this impactful community. Visit us at our Central Campus location, Central High, Room 322, for more information on our program and how you can get involved.

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