
University Of North Carolina Not Guilty!

A federal judge has ruled that the University of North Carolina did not discriminate against Whites and Asian Americans applying during the university’s undergraduate admissions process. Court documents show that Judge Loretta Biggs decided UNC didn’t discriminate and the university could continue to use race as a factor in its undergraduate admissions process.

“UNC has met its burden of demonstrating with clarity that its undergraduate admissions program withstands strict scrutiny and is therefore constitutionally permissible,” Biggs wrote, adding that the university “engages in a highly individualized, holistic admissions program.”

“While no student can or should be admitted to this University, or any other, based solely on race, because race is so interwoven in every aspect of the lived experience of minority students, to ignore it, reduce its importance and measure it only by statistical models as SFFA (Students for Fair Admissions) has done, misses important context to include obscuring racial barriers and obstacles that have been faced, overcome and are yet to be overcome,” Biggs wrote.