Central Piedmont Community CollegeLifestyle

Personal Info Is Protected At Central Piedmont

Did you know that your personal information at Central Piedmont is protected by federal law? It’s true! Under the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), all students—whether you’re currently enrolled, previously enrolled, 16 or 65—are covered!

Here’s what FERPA means for YOU:

  • No Info Shared Without Consent: Central Piedmont can’t release information about you to anyone—not your parents, family, or even a future school—unless you give written permission.
  • You Control Your Info: If you want to share your details, you’ll need to submit a signed consent form.
  • Right to Review: You have the right to inspect and review your education records. Just contact Student Records, present your valid photo ID, and submit a written request. We’ll get you access to your records within 45 days!
  • Need to request changes? If you spot an error in your records, submit a written request to the Senior Registrar. Central Piedmont will take action within 30 business days. If the correction isn’t clear, an Ad Hoc Hearing Committee  will take over and provide a decision in writing. ‍
  • Right to Consent to Disclosures: Some information, like your name, city of residence, program of study, and credentials earned, can be shared without your written consent (this is called directory information). But any other details are only shared if you give the OK!
  • Exceptions to Consent: Certain school officials who need your records for educational purposes can access them without your consent.
  • If you ever feel Central Piedmont isn’t following FERPA rules, you have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education.

For more details on your FERPA rights, or if you want to read Central Piedmont’s full policy, check out our FERPA page.

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