Central Piedmont Community CollegeNews

Central Piedmont Scholar Tiffany Zamora Wins Award At NCHA Conference

Central Piedmont’s Truist Honors Scholars presented at the North Carolina Honors Association (NCHA) Conference on a variety of topics that aligned with their personal interests, career interests, and programs of study. Scholars supported one another from abstract development to presentation day to ensure everyone was prepared. The community and camaraderie were a joy to witness!

A huge congratulations to Tiffany Zamora who won the Best Oral Presentation Award for the NCHA 2024 Conference!

Title of Presentation: A Paradise for Predation: A Sociological Examination of Solid Rock Church as a Microcosm of Religious Abuse

One judge’s comments are as follows: “Tiffany’s presentation was fantastic—well-researched, clear, and powerful. She brilliantly balanced the facts of the case she analyzed and clergy sexual misconduct more broadly with a strong theoretical and sociological analysis. Her presentation style was engaging, as she had the audience enraptured with her research and analysis, which were of advanced quality. The Q&A led to rich discussion and more information about Tiffany’s website and advocacy work, and she handled audience questions with confidence and grace. This was an exceptional presentation!!”

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