Central Piedmont Community CollegeLifestyle

Central Piedmont Platform Streamlines Access To Disability and Access Services

Starting Mon., Jul. 1, 2024 Central Piedmont Community College is launching an exciting new software platform to streamline the process for students requesting or renewing accommodations through Disability and Access Services (DAS).

  • Simplified Process: The new system will make it easier for students to connect with DAS and submit accommodation letters to their instructors.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Use your SSO to access your account, review approved accommodations, and submit semester requests for classes.
  • Detailed information will be provided on how to use the new platform in the coming weeks.
  • The Disability Support Services team will offer ongoing support throughout the transition.

Why This Matters: This new platform will enhance Central Piedmont’s ability to support students with disabilities, ensuring they receive the accommodations needed to succeed academically.

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