LifestyleUNC Charlotte

Charlotte Celebrates National First-Generation College Celebration Day

As the first in their families to attend college, first-generation college students are an integral and significant part of the UNC Charlotte community.  

UNC Charlotte realizes that some students may not fit neatly into this description. UNC Charlotte is dedicated to helping all students succeed and recognizes the unique challenges of students who have had limited exposure to college life, including those whose parent(s) did not attend college. These trailblazers may not have family members who can help them navigate the college experience, but they are determined to make their own life path.

UNC Charlotte invites you to help us celebrate the successes of our first-gen students, faculty, and staff on National First-Generation College Celebration Day.

Led by the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) and the NASPA Center for First-Generation Student Success, the day is intended to celebrate the success and presence of first-generation college students, faculty, and staff on campuses across the country.

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