Charlotte MetroFeatureLifestyle

UNC Charlotte’s Niner Nation Week Begins Today Through October 23

UNC Charlotte’s biggest and most exciting time of the year, Niner Nation Week 2022, begins October 17 – October 23. Join the 49ers as they paint the town green during a week filled with celebrations, gatherings and performances, culminating in signature Homecoming events.

Niner Nation Week is celebrated on campus, around Charlotte, in your neighborhood and online. Don’t miss being a part of one or more of their fun-filled events. Even if you can’t make it out, Niner Nation Week is the perfect time to display UNC Charlotte pride. Fly your Charlotte 49er’s flag, stake your Niner’s yard sign, wear Niner green gear all week (especially on Wednesday), and spread the word on your social channels that you’re a proud member of Niner Nation!

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