LifestyleUNC Charlotte

How This Charlotte English Major Overcame Challenges To Become A Published Author

Luther “Cole” Kissam V’s journey into the world of writing was sparked by a high school crush and an unexpected broken leg. However, it was his resilience in overcoming mental health struggles that truly set him on the path to becoming a published author. Despite dropping out of college twice, Cole is now on the verge of graduating from UNC Charlotte with a bachelor’s degree in English in December 2023, a testament to his growth mindset.

The challenges began early for Cole, who faced a bipolar disorder diagnosis during his youth. He attended a unique treatment center middle school in Utah that blended academics with therapy. Transitioning to a boarding preparatory high school in Pennsylvania, Cole stumbled upon creative writing when he was invited to try spoken word poetry to impress a crush. Although his first attempt wasn’t stellar, positive feedback ignited a passion for self-expression, and with the encouragement of supportive high school teachers, Cole continued to hone his writing skills.

A pivotal moment occurred in junior year when a broken leg forced Cole to abandon cross country. Seeking an alternative, he enlisted the help of a writing coach, a professional poet and editor, to fulfill extracurricular requirements. This marked the beginning of his deep dive into literature and writing.

However, the path wasn’t smooth. After initially starting college at Emory University, Cole realized it wasn’t the right fit. Coping with a friend’s suicide, he faced a significant mental health setback and dropped out for the first time. A move to Charlotte and time in a mental health facility followed, but amidst the challenges, Cole decided to give college another shot, choosing UNC Charlotte for its proximity to family and supportive environment.

Despite facing further setbacks, including hospitalizations and electroconvulsive therapy, Cole persevered. Through the assistance of Student Assistance and Support Services (SASS), he navigated the hurdles and ultimately decided to return to college, completing his degree requirements.

Cole’s journey through mental health challenges culminated in a published book of poetry titled “Have I Told You About My Superpowers.” Divided into three parts, the collection mirrors his highs, lows, and the stabilization in between. What initially seemed like a hindrance—his bipolar disorder—transformed into a source of strength and inspiration for his creative endeavors.

While at UNC Charlotte, Cole’s writing flourished in workshop and seminar classes. An independent study on the art and craft of editing proved transformative, as constructive criticism fueled his growth as a writer. Cole embraced the challenges, adopting a daily commitment to reading, writing, and experiencing life to propel himself forward.

Looking toward graduation, Cole is uncertain about the future, but he is confident in his ability to navigate the unknown. His English degree opens doors to various writing projects, and he currently holds a unique position as the writer in residence on a sailing yacht engaged in marine conservation work in the tropical eastern Pacific. As he reflects on his journey, Cole emphasizes the importance of doing work that fulfills him and the priceless nature of such fulfillment once basic needs are met.

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