LifestyleUNC Charlotte

Charlotte Niner Esports Nominated For The Scholars Collegiate Gaming Awards

Niner Esports, the thriving esports club of UNC Charlotte, is basking in the limelight with four well-deserved nominations at the Scholars Collegiate Gaming Awards. This student organization, a juggernaut within the university, stands tall as it competes for recognition in various categories:

  1. Club of the Year.
  2. Team of the Year, thanks to the exceptional performance of its iRacing team.
  3. Local Area Network of the Year, an acknowledgment of the club’s remarkable Union LAN Party hosted biannually in the Popp Martin Student Union.
  4. Jorge Sanchez ’23, a distinguished alumni advisor and former Niner Esports president, nominated for the prestigious Collegiate Student Leader of the Year.

For all those who want to rally behind Niner Esports, casting your vote is as easy as visiting the Scholars website and making your choice. You can show your support once a day, with voting open until Monday, November 20.

Recent news brings another feather to Niner Esports’ cap, with the North Carolina General Assembly allotting a substantial $1.5 million in this year’s state budget. This funding is earmarked for the creation of a dedicated esports space in Norm’s Loft within the Popp Martin Student Union. Once the funds are secured, UNC Charlotte will initiate the planning and construction process. The pivotal role played by UNC Charlotte alumnus Representative Jason Saine ’95 in securing this $1.5 million state allocation cannot be overlooked.

Niner Esports traces its roots back to 2013, when it started with just a handful of students united by their love for “League of Legends.” Since then, it has experienced remarkable growth. The club’s Discord server, an online hub for its members, now boasts more than 2,400 participants, predominantly comprising current Charlotte students and alumni.

Last December, UNC Charlotte was among the ten universities vying for the title of Collegiate Program of the Year at the Esports Awards. In a field dominated by institutions with varsity esports programs, UNC Charlotte stood out as the only student-led club. Six months later, Niner Esports secured the coveted Club of the Year title at EsportsU’s 2023 Collegiate Awards, while Jorge Sanchez was the runner-up for Club President of the Year.

Jorge Sanchez encapsulates the club’s spirit of relentless growth and ambition, stating, “We grew in virtually every area you can imagine. The Esports Awards are the top awarding body in esports. To be on the world stage really sets us apart, especially as the only entirely student-run organization nominated.”

Niner Esports is an inclusive haven for both competitive and casual gamers. Their LAN events, where hundreds of students come together in Room 340 of the Union, are a testament to the club’s commitment to fostering community and camaraderie.

The future of Niner Esports is radiant, mirroring the boundless potential of the esports industry as a whole. UNC Charlotte Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Kevin Bailey, underscores the expanding horizons, stating, “As the esports industry grows, there are additional opportunities at Charlotte for academic connections in areas such as computer science, gaming design and development, video and streaming technology, art and storytelling, and business and marketing operations.” The vision includes creating a dedicated on-campus space to accommodate the club’s burgeoning ambitions, and with Niner Esports’ national recognition and the students’ passion, a bright future awaits.

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