Top 10UNC Charlotte

Charlotte Symposium Champions Online Learning Success

Faculty and staff leaders from across the University recently attended the second annual Charlotte Symposium on Online Learning, focused on “Championing Success.” Attendees represented online programs, academic advising, enrollment management, and undergraduate and graduate education. Symposium organizers noted they came together to share ideas and best practices for student and program success as the University continues to strategically grow its online footprint.

Ranked among the best in the nation and No.1 in the state for online bachelor’s programs by U.S. News & World Report, UNC Charlotte continues to lead in providing high-quality, flexible online learning opportunities. 

The symposium explored the growing statewide demand for online education and the infrastructure and collaborative work needed to support this growth.

“Our analysis shows that Charlotte Online is poised to supercharge its undergraduate growth and continue steady, sustainable gains in graduate enrollment,” said Asher Haines, associate provost of the School of Professional Studies. “Expanding Charlotte Online provides a high-quality, affordable alternative for the tens of thousands of North Carolinians who may otherwise choose out-of-state online universities.”

Read the full story at This website provides links to event resources: presentation slides, program data and 2023-24 highlights.

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