SportsUNC Charlotte

Message From The UNC Charlotte Club Softball Team

We are the UNC Charlotte Club Softball team. Our club is comprised of 20-30 members who participate on our travel and practice team. As a student-led club our team aims to provide a space to play softball at a national club collegiate level and provide learning opportunities for new members who have shown interest in our sport. We are a part of the National Club Softball Association (NCSA) D1 program, where we compete against other universities, such as NC State and Coastal Carolina, in series throughout the entire school year. We travel to other universities as well as host teams. One accomplishment from this past semester was beating UNC for the first time in four years!

Not only do we focus on improving our physical softball skills, we also put an emphasis on building player’s softball IQs, teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. Outside of our softball series we enjoy getting involved with our university and local community. Two volunteer events we have participated in within our community are the Gold Rush 5k on UNC Charlottes campus and the Hot Chocolate 5k that takes place in Uptown! We collaborate with other sport clubs to build relationships, learn new sports outside of our own, and volunteer our time to help other clubs have successful & meaningful events. 

We also can’t thrive without player dues and donations. During home series we play a total of 3 games and each home series costs $1,136.67. Our base field price is $376.67, umpires $480, and mandatory field security is $280. We are one of the few club sports who must play off-campus. Thus, our dues and donations go towards renting a local high school field (Hickory Ridge High School), umpires, travel costs into playing our league games, and proper equipment. With your help your donation can help us to cover our home series expenses!

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