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Charlotte Norm Robotics Team Has A Love Affair With Robots

In the spring of 2023, a remarkable journey began with the inception of NORM Robotics, a brainchild of a passionate group of students deeply enamored with the electrifying world of competitive robotics. What sets us apart is our collective history in conquering the highest peaks of competition – the prestigious World Championships – while representing our respective high school robotics programs, such as FIRST Robotics Competition, FIRST Tech Challenge, and the VEX Robotics Competition. At NORM Robotics, our mission is to offer a sanctuary for these high school robotics alumni to continue their love affair with robots and, in the process, foster a community dedicated to sharing the wonder of robotics with our university’s vibrant tapestry.

Our humble beginnings stem from a glaring issue that’s all too prevalent in STEM – a conspicuous lack of diversity. Diversity and inclusion are not mere buzzwords here; they are the lifeblood of our organization. At the core of our purpose lies a noble mission: to dismantle the norms that have defined STEM for far too long, one robot at a time. With open arms, we beckon members from all walks of life, regardless of their skill levels, majors, or backgrounds, to join us in exploring the boundless possibilities within the realm of robotics.

Though we may be the new kids on the block, our nascent presence has already drawn over 60 eager souls, hailing from diverse and underrepresented groups. Among our ranks, you’ll find members of the LGBTQ+ community, individuals from various racial and cultural backgrounds, women forging their path, and students pursuing majors ranging from finance to mechanical engineering to gender studies. Our diversity is our strength, and we are steadfast in our determination to prove that everyone has a cherished spot in the tapestry of STEM. Our resolve is unwavering, and our sights are firmly set on the ultimate prize – victory on the world stage.

In our pursuit of excellence, we embark on the thrilling adventure that is VEX U, an international robotics competition that boasts over 200 university-level teams participating annually. Each year, we are presented with a fresh challenge, requiring us to design, construct, and program robots equipped to conquer a unique set of obstacles.

In the heat of competition, VEX U teams deploy two robots, each about the size of a microwave, on a 12′ x 12′ battlefield, facing off against another duo of mechanized marvels. The contest unfolds with a 45-second autonomous period, where robots follow pre-programmed instructions, before transitioning into a 75-second driver-controlled phase, where students take the reins, skillfully guiding their creations with controllers. Throughout the day, the performance of each team is meticulously tracked, culminating in a ranking list that shapes the dramatic showdown of the championship bracket. Victory here is the gateway to the next echelon of competition.

The pinnacle of our journey is the VEX U World Championship, held annually in the vibrant heart of Dallas, Texas each April. Advancement to this illustrious event is determined by our previous feats in the robot game and, of course, our prowess in various judged awards. At the World Championship, the finest teams from every corner of the globe converge, setting the stage for a captivating clash where the mettle of our robots is put to the ultimate test.

NORM Robotics is more than a club; it’s an academy for life in the real world. As we assemble robots, we acquire invaluable hands-on experience in CAD design, master the intricacies of C++ programming, hone our craftsmanship using 3D printers and CNC machines, nurture our technical writing and project management skills, and nurture the seeds of leadership. These skills are not confined to our labs but will undoubtedly pave the way for prosperous careers after we bid farewell to our beloved university. By supporting NORM Robotics, you are not merely contributing to our cause; you are investing in the future of the STEM industry itself.

To reach our lofty goals, we need your generous assistance! We humbly seek donations to cover the costs of robot materials, essential machine shop tools, event registration fees, and the necessary expenses for our ambitious travels. Your support is not just a financial contribution; it’s an investment in a diverse group of passionate students dedicated to leaving an indelible mark on the world. Join us in reshaping the future of STEM, one robot at a time.

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