ResearchUNC Charlotte

Charlotte Urban Institute Seeking Faculty Fellows For Research

The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute seeks the sixth cohort of faculty fellows to research issues related to economic mobility in the Charlotte region, with support from The Gambrell Foundation. And for the first time, the program will accept applications for a Senior Faculty Fellow who will support Gambrell Fellows and plan programming with Institute staff.

This year, the Gambrell Faculty Fellows program will fund up to six projects with grants up to $18,000 each. The fellows will join a growing group of researchers contributing to our community’s ongoing search for solutions that could foster greater equity.

[Find the full program details here. The application materials can be downloaded here.]

All UNC Charlotte full-time faculty members with the title of assistant professor or higher whose job description includes professional expectations for research may apply for this fellowship. Other key requirements include:

  • The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on Monday, June 10.
  • The fellowships will fund short-term research projects (up to 18 months).
  • The grant period will begin on August 15, 2024.
  • Proposed projects must include a principal focus on issues related to economic mobility. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods projects will be considered.

If you have questions about this process, contact Elaine Jacobs and Lori Thomas at

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