ArtsUNC Charlotte

New York Times Reviews Charlotte Professor’s New Book

The New York Times reviewed Charlotte professor Greg Gbur’s new book Invisibility, which delves into what once was science fiction but is now reality. 

Gbur does research on the merging of singular optics with optical coherence theory. This work is aimed at improving free-space optical communications. He has also been very active in the study of optical invisibility and invisibility cloaks. He has recently applied the techniques of singular optics towards the design of superoscillatory waves for high-resolution imaging.

Invisibility is a lively exploration of how invisibility has gone from science fiction to fact.
Its asked the question: Is it possible for something or someone to be made invisible? This question, which has intrigued authors of science fiction for over a century, has become a headline-grabbing topic of scientific research.
In this book, science writer and optical physicist Gbur traces the science of invisibility from its sci-fi origins in the nineteenth-century writings of authors such as H. G. Wells and Fitz James O’Brien to modern stealth technology, invisibility cloaks, and metamaterials.

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