ArtsUNC Charlotte

Charlotte’s Brooklyn To Browne’s Ferry May 19-20

In 2006, the members of Grace A.M.E. Zion Church left the only church building to survive the destruction of Charlotte’s Brooklyn neighborhood and walked 11.5 miles north to establish a new home in the University area. Like their neighbors in Browne’s Ferry, the congregation has seen that part of Charlotte become a diverse, thriving community. Based on interviews with Browne’s Ferry residents and members of the Grace congregation and featuring Hip-Hop artist YUNG Citizen, the Charlotte Strings Collective, literary artist Malika Stevely, and dancer/choreographer Ashley L. Tate with UNC Charlotte Dance alumni, Brooklyn to Browne’s Ferry tells this inspiring story in a multi-arts blend of sights, sounds, and movement.

May 19 at 7 PM, Grace A.M.E. Zion Church, 3722 David Cox Rd., Charlotte

May 20 at 7 PM, Historic Grace, Brooklyn Collective, 219 S. Brevard St., Charlotte


Click here to RSVP.

Brooklyn to Browne’s Ferry is funded by grants from the City of Charlotte Infusion Fund, the Arts & Science Council, the UNC  Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture New South | Global South initiative, and the Center for Community, Heritage and the Arts at UNC Charlotte.

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