ArtsUNC Charlotte

Jim Frakes Envisions Ways To Remember Charlotte’s Art History

When he first began to research the history of UNC Charlotte’s art department, the thing that struck Professor of Art History Jim Frakes the hardest was not what he found, but what had been lost. In the ephemeral digital world, links on websites and online articles often led to “page not found.” Even more distressing, people had passed away, taking their stories with them.

“It was a real shock about institutional memory and how fragile it is,” he said. “We really were allowing our history to disappear.”

That realization added urgency to his research, and he committed to documenting the UNC Charlotte Department of Art & Art History, past and present, in time for its 60th anniversary celebration this fall.

That was five years ago, and while isolated during the pandemic, Frakes found extra energy for the project.

“It was satisfying because it was about connection,” he said. He began calling retired faculty, gathering tales and following threads that led to alumni and archives and more conversations. 

Frakes has spun, woven and stitched the many strands of his research into a rich celebratory fabric that includes facts and stories, exhibitions, and opportunities for the art department “family” to come together in recognition of the department’s accomplishments and contributions to our city’s cultural landscape. His book about the department is forthcoming.

In the meantime, click here to see a tapestry of resources that brings vividness to this vital history.

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