Central Piedmont Community CollegeLifestyle

Central Piedmont Partners With NC Science Festival On STEM Outreach


Central Piedmont has joined forces with the NC Science Festival organization to introduce FUTURES, a STEM outreach program aimed at encouraging underrepresented minorities to explore opportunities in STEM fields. FUTURES aims to inspire faculty, staff, students, and alumni to engage with their local community by sharing their personal journeys.

Students include: Ashelaye Garritt, Amariah Robinson, Sierra Lawson, Jaismeen Kaur, Rosario Sanchez, Mitchell Boswell, Jennifer Lopez, Andrei Vince, Asiyah Ibrahim, Damian Tillman, Diego Mejia, and Brian Peacock.

Special recognition goes to Dr. Elisha McDonald and Mrs. Amber Griffin, Central Piedmont FUTURES Coordinators, for their dedication and support in making this program successful.

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