ArtsCharlotte Metro

Internationally Recognized Artist Exhibits At UNC Charlotte Gallery

Jillian Mayer is an internationally recognized artist based in Miami, FL. While in residence at Charlotte’s McColl Center in Fall 2020, at the height of the COVID pandemic, she became intrigued by the region’s Survivalist culture. Sometimes referred to as “preppers,” Survivalists pursue complete independence from broad social, political, industrial, and economic infrastructures, solely relying on their own learned skills to prepare for any threat of impending disasters. Mayer expands her understanding of Survivalism by exploring its ideological intersections with Millennial culture. 

COMPOUND reflects Mayer’s continued investigation of the crossover between bunker/fall out-shelters and approachability through its expression of research in aesthetics and practicality.

For COMPOUND, Mayer designed and constructed her own site-specific imagined survival site within the Lambla Gallery. 

COMPOUND Gallery Reception: November 17, 2022 – 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

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