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UNC Charlotte Prof Launches New International Journal

UNC Charlotte’s J. Murrey Atkins Library is institutional host to a new international journal; it resulted from the work of Kaustavi Sarkar, assistant professor of dance.

South Asian Dance Intersections, which launched Sept. 23, is a progressive, scholarly, blind peer-reviewed and open-access journal that seeks to publish a unique blend of original high-quality research in scholarly, choreographic, contemporary, community-building and technical explorations within South Asian dance and its interdisciplinary intersections.

The inaugural issue, Dance and the Political/Dance and the Pandemic, contains eight articles representing research from six countries, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Sarkar’s article, “Failure of Rasa: Story of Indian Dance During COVID-19,” is among the offerings.

Sarkar, who has served as the journal’s interim manager, said the current plan is that South Asian Dance Intersections will publish once a year.

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